went into the hospital on Nov.30th because of some spotting and contraction which we thought were braxton hicks. When we got to the hospital we found out the contraction were real. I was in the hospital until dec 4th, I was sent home on bedrest with pills to help stop the contracting. Our goal was to get to 34 weeks which was 9 days away:) The next morning I started having contractions again and they started coming closer and closer. We rushed to the hospital to find I was dialating and Aaden was in breech position. A c section was ordered and while waiting for my dr to come i dilated to a 8 and Dr. hutchinsons partner, Dr Dinger was called in to do the section. The Surgery went very well and Aaden Joseph was born at 3:29. He was VERY quickley handed thru a window where a number of nurses and dr's were waiting for the little guy. He was born at 32wks and 6 days, weighing 5lbs 13oz and 18 inches long. I was very nervous and kept asking about him. My nurse Lori who was wonderful made sure to keep going to that window and getting updates. We quickly found out he was breathing on his own and doing wonderful. Mark was able to go in and see him and take pictures right away. We could touch him but not hold him due to his iv. He was bigger than most preemies and they could not get a good line in so they had to in thru his belly button thru his cord. It is very senisitve and can't run the risk of it being pulled out. I went home on Dec 9th and the never ending trek back and forth started. He was 1 week old before we were able to him. It was a VERY long 4 weeks but on Jan 2nd Aaden was able to come home!